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Father trapped in Denmark after contracting ‘super-virus’ on cruise

Guy and Adrien Matlock on the cruise celebrating their 37th wedding anniversary. Photo / Moriah Matlock
An American couple are stuck in hospital in Denmark after one of them caught a “super-virus” during a Europe cruise.
Colorado couple Guy and Adrien Matlock decided to celebrate their 37th wedding anniversary by taking a 14-day northern European cruise, which departed on September 14.
Six days into the trip, Guy began experiencing flu-like symptoms. His condition quickly worsened and the cruise crew made the call to evacuate him to a hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark.
There, doctors discovered Guy was experiencing something akin to a super-virus. Influenza type A had developed into pneumonia, resulting in sepsis, which was causing “great havoc” to his body, according to the GoFundMe page set up by Guy and Adrien’s daughter, Moriah.
Guy went into cardiac arrest and the infection caused “mini-strokes” in his parietal lobes. Eventually, his heart and lungs started to recover but he is still on a ventilator and dialysis.
Moriah and her siblings flew to Denmark soon after the incident and some reportedly applied for emergency passports as they had never travelled outside the United States before. After a week, they had to return home, leaving their parents to deal with the challenging circumstances alone.
“As his body gains its strength there will be a long road to recovery,” Moriah wrote on the GoFundMe page, which has been set up to help raise US$150,000 ($246,270) to fly Guy home on a Medevac.
Moriah said the doctors had done a “remarkable job” but said Guy should go home, where his brain can heal and he can be around English speakers.
Guy’s condition means he cannot travel home on a commercial flight and must be taken via Medevac. This costs more than $246,270, Moriah said. Their insurance would cover $6570 and travel insurance would cover $32,840 but the rest must be paid upfront.
The page has raised $44,400 from 331 donations as of Tuesday morning.
“Guy Matlock is one of the most selfless individuals you can be so blessed to know,” Moriah said, adding that he was always quick to help his family, neighbours, and friends.
